Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Strepped of my Medals

Forgive me Father, for it has been 8 days since my last blog entry. DISASTER HAS STRUCK! NOT only did I get Strep Throat, but I got Strep Throat on my Birthday. 24, I'm not too fond of you yet.

So not only did this COMPLETELY ruin my Birthday (I didn't get any type of celebration, I couldn't think or even eat. Over the entire weekend I took in MAYBE 500 calories worth of food because all the coughing made my too nauseous to eat), but this also has pushed me back 1 long run (16 miles) and 1 short run (4 miles). I'm due for an 8 mile run tomorrow, but I seriously doubt I'll be able to muster the strength. I had to take Monday off of work (which was a stretch since I'm up to my eyes in stuff to get done) and I had to leave after the morning today since I literally couldn't stop coughing (although I kept reassuring everyone I was no longer contagious).

This sickness literally derailed my entire life. Missing my own birthday was one thing (don't let me play it down, I'm so sad I missed my birthday, but John did do a great job trying to make it up to me..like giving me my presents of A NEW CAMERA, RUNNING SOCKS, and AN ARMBAND IPOD HOLDER THINGY), but now I'm terrified this sickness is going to get in the way of my training. I am going on vacation in just over a week, and I tweaked my training schedule to allow for possible "missed" runs (aka too drunk/lazy/shopping/hungover), but the fact that the vacation is so close to this week of sick terribleness it's like a big 3 week hole in my training, with about a month to go until the marathon. I've worked too hard not to reach my goal, but I really am worried. And to add insult to injury, the weather has taken a harrowing turn for the worse. All week it's supposed to be 40 or under...and rainy. You're right, that does sound like great weather for someone whose immune system has been under attack to go run around for a few hours in.

Interjection: For those who have never had strep throat (or haven't had it in a while) this is what it looks like

No no no, that's a Red Pepper, not a throat (it was shocking, wasn't it), but it looks pretty close. Your tonsils get all inflamed and white-spotted. It starts with a simple cough (I thought it was from "yell-talking" at The Union on St. Patrick's Day which I was NOT even drunk for), then the rest of your body starts to feel achy (this set in as someone in my office mentioned "you know, Strep throat is going around Kalamazoo") and then your head feels like your brain is trying to escape your skull through your temples. And then it's all downhill from there. I finally went to the doctor ON MY BIRTHDAY where I spent 3.5 hours in a waiting room, later to find out I had a temperature of 102. Yikes. Ah, this was the day I was supposed to run 16 miles.

Yeah, this guy knows what's up

Anyhoo, I was on the brink of death but now I'm back to...well, still subpar, but I can sit upright, and type coherent sentences, so...Happy Birthday to me?

We'll see how the rest of this week goes, but I'm extremely unnerved by this whole thing (obviously). Everyone keeps telling me not to worry too much about it, and I'm sure they're right (or are they!?!!), but I can't help it, I worry about everything.

Quick story about one of my runs last week: John went on a 4 mile run with me on St. Patrick's Day and at around mile 1 we saw a middle aged—scruffy and haggard—looking man wearing a tight, bright pink hoodie, passed out, FACE DOWN in a lawn that belonged to a house full of college kids. Middle Aged. Pink Hoodie. Face Dirt. Ouch. At least that man made the most of this holiday, right?! I bet he doesn't have Strep Throat right now. I bet he's the picture of health, AND he made his 16 mile run. Pshht, he would.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. So sorry to hear about your illness. I fell ill with strep also, the week after my vacation, so I missed two full weeks of running and I was so excited when I ran almost three miles on my first day back. Good luck, man!
