Monday, March 7, 2011

I Don't Wanna Wait, For Our Lives to be Over

So I'm feeling a bit torn at this point. I've been sticking to my training schedule, hitting all the long runs I need to—and even throwing in some weight training in there, you know, to keep these shredded muscles of mine glistening—but I don't feel like I'm at the place I should be. A lot of Kalamazoo has Marathon-Fever, and it's just fun to swap stories, run distances, and (for me) complaints. Apparently most people are all on the same training schedule where they've all run at least 2 15 mile runs already, and here I am, at 12. Once. I know I should be up to 26.2 miles by the time I get to the actual race, my training is gradual and never steps back. This other training schedule goes like 12, 15, 13, 16, blah, blah, blah (so it goes long, steps it back, then goes forward again...mine just goes forward, but in small increments). I know I made the decision not to run with anyone, but I can't help but be worried that all this running I'm doing won't pay off in the end, lord knows I don't live for running. Think of all those wasted hours that could have been spent napping or watching tv! (at this point I think I spend about 4.5 hours a week running, that's 5 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations...without commercials).

Sunday, 12 miles, windy, 1pm, sidewalks mostly clear or slushy
I took 3 days off from running after my last run which yielded awful blister results. My foot was so painful I opted not to go to the grocery store that night because it literally hurt to just have a shoe on the skin. I had to carefully choose my work clothes too since I probably would have blacked out if I tried wearing high heels (I'm 5'1, so most of my pants I need high shoes or else it looks like I'm melting into the ground). I knew I wasn't going to run Thursday (the day right after the run), and Friday I tried talking myself into it, but they were still to painful. Saturday I was in Indiana where I was literally snowing sideways, so I opted for Sunday for my long run. My foot started itching Saturday night, so HEY at least it was healing...right?

I'm trying to stop depending on John to feed me my sustenance during my long runs (oh, and I wasn't interrupting "River Monsters" last week, it was "Extreme Boats"), so we took a trip to the store (Big Lots) to see what type of running-energy-bar-type-situation we could find. I grabbed 2 Luna bars (conveniently priced at 0.70 each) and some Garotaide (and a 20 pack of toilet paper because wow those prices are low). I recently read an article about how it doesn't matter a TON what you're taking in during your long runs, but carbohydrates are important, and try to eat about every 45 minutes (in this article a woman said she took a handful of snickers minis with her and ate one every 45 min..something about that just doesn't feel right to me). I opted for the most protein, less sugar combination I could find (energy-power-running-bar-at-big-lots-wise). I have a mini pocket in my running pants that is for your keys and/or knick nacks (read: pennies and other coins you find on the road while running), so I figured I could pop my Luna bar in it. I also tuck my iPod into my waistband because I really don't like those arm bands. So after I pull my shirt down over my pants, I have 2 strange vertical lumps in my midsection. Not only did it look weird, it felt weird. It didn't help that with every step I took the wrapper to the Luna bar crinkled ever so slightly.

Regardless of my...accessories, I hit the road excited for my 12 mile run (I hadn't run in 3 days, and John and I mapped out this path online, then drove it before I set out to see how the sidewalks where...seriously, I have to scope out the sidewalks). I was about 25 minutes into my run and I felt great. I wasn't going too fast and knew I had quite some distance ahead of me. I kept checking the time because I was so excited to try eating during my run. I finally got to 45 min and I cracked open that bad boy. Well the chocolate outside layer that was closest to my body had melted a little (oh wow really Erica? go figure), but I wasn't too worried. I took 2 small bites, and slowed down so I could chew and get it all down. You know what happens when you've been running for 45 min? You get thirsty, and when you're thirsty, often times your mouth gets dry. Well eating a chocolate-peanut butter Luna bar in this state doesn't really help your thirst issue. I worked my tongue around my mouth enough to get the saliva going and finally got all the 2 bites swallowed. I won't lie here, I felt really cool being able to eat my "power" bar and then continue running. I can't really tell you if those bites helped my energy level or not, because all I could think of was that dry chocolate/peanut taste in my mouth, and how I wished it was replaced with that of water.

I hit 1hr, my foot starts to hurt in my blister spot. Awesome. I decide to walk a few times (about 45sec each) through an uneven terrain since I can feel my shoe slide around and irritate my blister(s). I'm at 1hr 30min (time for my next eating stint) and my mouth is dRRrrrry! I still decided to eat since I was TIRED and took any excuse to walk. I ate the same 2 little bites, and felt like I was going to cough talcum powder. I had this weird powdery/thick gooey feeling in my mouth, and thought "well, not having liquid on this little jaunt wasn't the best idea...don't you think?"

Funny sighting interjection: Crunchy Sighting. He wasn't barking his head off at me, but he did have his head HANGING out the car window while his master was driving down the street. Now what made him an undeniable Crunchy was that he was chomping furiously at the wind that rushed over his golden main as they zoomed past. It. Was. Adorable.

I started running again and knew street-wise where I still had to run, but I wasn't sure how far it was because I wasn't paying enough attention during our drive-through, so this didn't aide my tired self in motivation. I was on a long stretch and suddenly realized how much my knees had been hurting me for the past few miles. I was thirsty, my foot blister was KILLING me, and my knees felt like they had been ground to a pulp. It was also cold outside. I. Wanted. To. Quit. I got to the end of the stretch and realized where I was. I had to turn to the right at the end of the street and do an out-and-back stretch to make up 2 miles and then it was done. I also knew that I could turn to the left and have less than 1/4 mile and be done. Over the course of 3 minutes I went back and forth between "you deserve to stop, you're only making your injuries worse, YOU'RE DEHYDRATING YOURSELF! YOU'RE KILLING ERICA!" and "no! you need to get that 12 miles in! everyone else is at 15, you can't afford to be further behind." I could see the end of the street getting closer and closer, and finally I knew what I had to do. I finally thought to myself "I know you're tired, but you're so close! You can do this. This is just a minor hiccup on the way to Marathon" and so I turned to the right. I was so proud of myself, and that's basically what kept me going for the next mile. I stopped and walked for about 5 minutes because I thought my knees were going to explode, but then finished the last 1/2 mile strong. I did it, but I don't know why it was so hard.

I was listening to a podcast (and by podcast I mean 2003 recording of Loveline with Dr. Drew and Adam Carolla) centered around Dawson's Creek (remember that show?!). So my 12 mile run will forever been reminiscent of being down at the 'Creek.

Monday, 2.5 miles, chilly, sidewalks clear
I really went back and forth whether or not to run tonight since I had just done my long run yesterday, and my knees were still really painful. Then I thought about how busy the rest of my week is going to be, and how this was my only free night for a couple days (aka fitting in a run will be difficult). I went out aiming for an easy 3 miles, but I got a little over a mile and my foot started hurting, so I turned around and came back. It was long enough to get my heart rate up and start a little bit of a sweat, so there's no shame in my little effort, I think.

I'm really torn about what to do with my ever-worsening arch blisters, because no one really knows what to do in the arch (since NO ONE gets blisters there). When I trained for my half marathon they just kind of went away after a few months and I just developed callouses. This time around it is not the case. I'll be going in this weekend to get new shoes (don't worry, you'll hear alllll about it, I'm sure) so maybe they'll be able to shed some more light on my predicament? I also need to take a trip to Goodwill and get my makeshift running belt so I don't cough chocolaty sand anymore.

Also, my birthday is is less than 2 weeks (lots of drinking), and then I'm going to SAN FRANSISCO 2 weeks after that (obscene amount of drinking), and I'm planning on not drinking until the marathon once I get back (April 8). What a roller coaster for my liver!

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